Magic: Strixhaven PreRelease Kit (1)


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SKU: STX-PRE1 Category:


Get it a week before the set releases!

You are ordering one (1) sealed Strixhaven PreRelease Kit, for in-store pickup ONLY on or after 16 April 2021!

Get your book covers and spell satchels ready: You’re going to Hogw … I mean, Strixhaven!  The School of Mages!

Each PreRelease kit contains:

  • Strixhaven: School of Mages Draft Boosters
  • Strixhaven: School of Mages College Booster (the Rare slot is from the Prerelease Pack’s college)
  • 1 foil promo-stamped Rare/Mythic card from Strixhaven: School of Mages
  • 1 MTG Arena code card
  • 1 Spindown life counter

We’ll do our best to honor color preferences, but we can only do that while quantities last, so get your orders in early!