Magic: Modern Horizons 2 PreRelease Tournament – Saturday, June 12th @ 7pm


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It’s been so long since we’ve had any sort of event, much less a Magic PreRelease!  So we’re going to slowly get our feet wet and start with a small event for Modern Horizons 2.

There’s no Midnight PreRelease this time, but rather a Saturday night at 7pm event, with room for up to 16 players!

We’re keeping this small, since we still don’t have a lot of space.  We’ll be running two 8-person pods, for 3 rounds each.  So we’ll have two winners, and we’ll be done by about 11pm.

The cost to register for this tournament is $44.99 + tax, so register early and reserve your spot!

All ages and skill-levels are welcome. Prizes will include 1 booster pack per person and more for the top places.

We also have great deals on Modern Horizons 2 Boxes and Booster Bundles!

Pre-Order Links: