Modern Horizons returns with a treasure trove of tools for Modern and Commander players to build, tinker, and perfect the decks of their wildest dreams. Showcase hoarder, spreadsheet theory crafter, squirrel deck Commander fan—no matter what type of Magic player you are, Modern Horizons 2 has something for you.
Get your hands on powerful cards designed for Modern, plus 42 New-to-Modern reprints, showstopping artistic treatments, and enemy color Fetch Lands! Now go build something awesome.
The Modern Horizons 2 Draft Booster Box contains 36 Modern Horizons 2 Draft Boosters (540 cards total). Each Draft Booster contains 15 Magic cards and 1 token or ad card, with a combination of 1–2 Rare or Mythic Rares, 3–4 Uncommons, and 10 Common cards. A traditional foil card of any rarity replaces a Common in 33% of Modern Horizons 2 Draft Boosters. Traditional foil Retro-Frame Fetch Land in less than 1% of boosters.
You are ordering a sealed box of 36 Modern Horizons Draft Booster packs, for in-store pickup ONLY on or after 6/18/2021! Includes Sanctum Prelate buy-a-box promo upon release.