Magic: Innistrad: Crimson Vow Draft Booster Box


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SKU: ICV-DRFT Category:


You are ordering a sealed Innistrad: Crimson Vow Draft Booster Box, for in-store pickup ONLY on or after 11/12/2021! **

Each Box includes:  36 Draft Booster Packs.

Each booster pack includes:

  • 15 Magic: The Gathering cards


** Due to production and shipping problems, all Crimson Vow Set Boosters will be delayed 3-4 weeks! We have scrambled and gotten as many draft boosters as we can to replace them for November, but we’re not entirely sure how many will be available for PreRelease, and how many will arrive a week later for Release. So, early preorders will get priority on prerelease. But we know how many total we’re getting, so all preorders that we accept will be guaranteed available by Nov. 19th, and a significant number will be ready a week before that.