Event: Sunday Night Commander – 21 JUNE 2020 @ 8pm


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Sunday Night Commander is one of only two regular events that we’re going to try and hold under the Covid, Phase 2 rules.  We’re being extremely careful and want to do this as safely as possible, so here’s how the event is going to work:

Sunday Commander will begin promptly at 8pm.  Please don’t arrive more than 15 minutes early.

The number of players will be capped at 12.  We do not have space for more players than this, so no exceptions will be made for additional players.

We’ll try to squeeze in two games throughout the evening, but will close promptly at 10pm.  There are no special rules at the moment, but we’ll get Jeremy working on some new ones for July.

The winner of each match will receive 1 Ikoria Booster Pack.  We’ll have ballots for most creative deck and the winner of that vote will receive 3 packs.  If we get less than 12 players, we may adjust these prizes.

We will be strictly enforcing all of these policies, and we hope that you understand why we’re doing it.  A few weeks ago, we were thinking that we wouldn’t have any Magic events at all during Phase 2, but we think that if we can follow these rules, we can keep everyone safe while we’re having fun.