Deluxe Pente


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First introduced in the 1970s, Pente is a contemporary strategy game based upon several closely related games that have been popular in Asia for centuries – most notably the game of Go!

Players place glass markers on intersections of a 19-by-19 grid. The object of the game is to get 5 of your own markers in a row (4 with more than 2 players) or capture 5 pairs of your opponent’s pieces. The first to do either wins.

Capturing takes place when exactly two pieces are sandwiched between pieces of the opposite color. There are multiple variations of the game for greater challenge and complexity.

The 20th anniversary edition is a deluxe version of the game with a large color game instruction book, quality game board, and six sets of different colored glass markers that allows play with up to 6 players.

Players: 2 to 4
Playtime: 30 minutes
Ages: 8+