Created by Jerry Hawthorne, the designer of Stuffed Fables and Mice and Mystics, Aftermath is the latest addition to the Adventure Book Game line. In a world where all humans have mysteriously disappeared, players will take on the role of a heroic rodent working to protect and provide for their colony.
Venture out into the ruins of mankind on 27 story driven missions. Collect useful scrap and food for your colony but beware of the predators lurking in the shadows. Use forged weapons to defend yourself and your allies.
- Play as a colorful cast of mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, and other critters.
- Dynamic card play allows players to complete a wide variety of exciting actions.
- Engage threats in desperate combat or try diplomacy for more peaceful solutions.
- Complete missions to improve your colony and unlock new perks.
- Explore a ruined suburbia from the eyes of a tiny creature.
- Each character has personal goal in addition to the group’s main goal.
Players: 2 to 4
Playtime: 60 to 90 minutes
Ages: 14+
1 Rulebook
1 Adventure Book
23 Plastic Figures
2 Resolution Dice
1 Sideboard
1 Campaign Dashboard
1 Downtown Travel Map
162 Standard Size Cards
88 Mini Size Cards
88 Tokens & Markers
7 Standees
7 Deck Boxes
1 Adventure Book
23 Plastic Figures
2 Resolution Dice
1 Sideboard
1 Campaign Dashboard
1 Downtown Travel Map
162 Standard Size Cards
88 Mini Size Cards
88 Tokens & Markers
7 Standees
7 Deck Boxes